SOURCE - a path to spiritual awareness
Conscious Drawings
Conscious Drawings are intuitive drawings that represent the essence of the subject of the drawing.
Made for a feeling or emotion the drawing has a healing effect, releases the soul and helps to heal and balance.
Made for a person they bring that what lives inside to the surface which helps to evolve and grow.
A personalised conscious drawing represents the essence of a person.
These we make in a total collaboration of our talents and gifts. We take turns in drawing this intuitive representation for you in black on white.
Each drawing comes with a meaningful and personal message,
that comes forward via the symbolic of the drawing and our intuition.
Conscious Drawings
your own Unique Personalised
Conscious Drawing
You can request these unique intuitive drawings for yourself, a loved one, friends.
A drawing for or a couple is a possibility on A4 or A3 size.
All we need to create the drawing with personal message is:
- name
- date of birth
A5 - R430
A4 - R660
A3 - R1100